About Tony Nevin Osteopaths. Osteopathy for all walks of life.
Lecturing and After Dinner Speaking
AS A result of this unique business, I am often asked to guest lecture, or provide after dinner talks. These are great opportunities to share some of the amazing experiences that this type of work can provide, along with pursuing a career of "doing good".
Now looking forward with the wealth of experience more than 31 years in practice has brought me, I will continue to hone my osteopathic skills between both human and animal patients for the benefit of all.
If you would like to find out more about booking Tony for your occasion, get in touch on +44 (0)7831 759339 or email us at info@tonynevinosteopaths.co.uk
Looking to the Future
NOW LOOKING forward with the wealth of experience more than 31 years in practice has brought me, I will continue to hone my osteopathic skills between both human and animal patients for the benefit of all.
With the help of my passionate animal loving supporters we'll keep spreading the good of osteopathy.
If you would like to make an appointment or find out more about Tony Nevin Osteopaths, please get in touch.